marijuana CBD

Cannabidiol CBD-ÖIL


Cannabidiol / Cbd
is a natural component of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. It has no psychoactive effects. CBD oil contains essential amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, flavonoids, terpenes.

Kanabidiol / Cbd prirodna je  komponenta biljke Cannabis Sativa L. Nema psihoaktivne učinke. CBD ulje sadrži esencijalne aminokiseline, proteine, vitamine, minerale, mikroelemente, flavonoide, terpene 
CBD works/CBD Wirkung:

CBD djeluje Ublažavanje tjeskobe Antibakterijski Uvjerljivo Aktiviranje Detoksificirajući Opuštajuće Imunoregulacijski vitaliziranje 

Positive CBD experiences/Erfahrungen with: Inflammation, pain, cramps. 
Detoxification and regeneration ability. 
Promotion of bone growth. 
Skin problems reduces the hormonal stress level. 
Improves mental performance. 
Regeneration for the blood cells. 
Hardening of the arteries. 
Regulates appetite and prevents fat from being stored in the body. 
Can help with Lyme disease. 
Can help with migraines. 
Can have a beneficial effect on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's 

Pozitivna CBD iskustva sa: Upala, bol, grčevi. Sposobnost detoksikacije i regeneracije. Poticanje rasta kostiju. Problemi s kožom smanjuje razinu hormonskog stresa. poboljšava mentalne performanse. Regeneracija krvnih stanica. Stvrdnjavanje arterija. regulira apetit i sprečava nakupljanje masnoće u tijelu. može pomoći kod Lajmske bolesti. može pomoći kod migrene. može imati blagotvoran učinak na Alzheimerovu i Parkinsonovu bolest 

According to studies and experience reports, CBD can work for which symptoms and diseases:

100 ml 20 % Vollspektrum OIL with MCT (Coconut MCT Oil)

• regulates appetite and prevents fat from being stored in the Body.
• support metabolism and fat burning
• Vitalization from the ECS has a positive impact on ours sleep
• affects the balance of all body functions
• regulates and stimulates hormone production
• participates in hair growth regulation
• supports healthy skin
• has a positive effect on digestion
• CBD oil contains all essential amino acids, proteins, Vitamins, minerals,
micronutriens, flavonoids, terpenes
• protects the organism from harmful substances
• increases the ability to detoxify and regenerate
• Powerful antioxidant
• CBD helps fight skin problems and low vitality
• CBD supports athletic performance and shortens it Regeneration time
• Reduces hormonal stress levels and improves mental ones Services.

Basically, CBD is absolutely safe and this was also confirmed by the WHO, World Health Organization in November 2017. The WHO sees ample evidence that CBD is an effective drug for epilepsy. CBD could also play an important role in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, cancer, psychosis or Parkinson’s in the future.

CBD is not psychoactive.
CBD is well tolerated by humans and animals.
CBD poses no public health risk.
CBD does not provoke psychological or physical addiction.

however, caution should be exercised during pregnancy.

CBD Öl Royal from the TC int! Best yout can get

Is a full spectrum oil with all important substances such as terpenes, minerals and vitamins. I`ts better than the normal CBD Oil. Full spectrum is better than pure CBD!

CBD oil is mixed with MCT Oil.
This is a medium-chain triglyceride, which ensures the best absorption of CBD in the body.
Mct is an extract from coconut oil with a crystalline form similar to that of CBD. This carrier oil makes the CBD 100% bioavailable, which is not the case in the pure form with hemp oil.

MCT OIL is 6 times more intemsic than coconut oil
Has an antibacterial and antiviral effect.
Works on fungi such as Candida alb.
Helps with complaints in the stomach and intestines.
Protection of the cardiovascular system.
Significantly reduces body fat levels.

CBD OIL is a full spectrum oil with all important substances such as terpenes, minerals and vitamins. 20 % Full Spectrum!

Studies show, that full spectrum is better than pure CBD.

How to become a partner of TC int!

  1. € 150, – buy products as a customer
    Fill out the partner contract from your Sponsor and send it to the Tepperwein Collection
    From your purchase of 150, you will be activated as a partner and receive 25% commission when purchasing as a customer and a partner link that customers can use to order from you, you will receive a commission of 25% per sale.
    Or you can recruit partners who sell for you or recruit partners

As a partner you get:

25% commission on sales via your „sales link“ or 25% when purchasing CBD Oil
10 % if a partner of yours sells in the 1st level,
8 % if a partner sells in the 2nd level,
6 % in the 3rd level and
4 % in the 4th level.

For Example:

You sell one Oil for € 74.50. Of that 25% commission is € 18,625.
A partner of yours sells an oil for € 74.50. Of this 10% commission is € 7.45 for you.